Block and White Ultima

1:45 PM


Block and White Ultima

Being Asian, I admit that I have a bias for fairer skin. I mean, doesn't it look so clean and feminine? And that's what I want. Being Asian, I have naturally tan skin. I know there are millions of girls who spend a lot to bronze up but I do just the opposite.

Recently, I saw some rave reviews about Block and White Ultima. As usual, a bunch of girls in a forum telling each other how this has lightened their skin. I got curious and was having doubts to purchase it because I don't really like drugstore lotions. But it has an SPF 20 sunblock so I went for it.

100ml, Php 199.00
Information. I hope you can read it.

It promises to lighten skin by 2 weeks. I have been using this for 2 months, 2x a day, and I think it works. I bought this because of the UV filter and skin lightening. Will I buy this again? I don't think so because of its wacky chemical ingredients. I don't really like slathering weird concoction into my skin. Also, it feels a little sticky and difficult to spread, so I spray water on my skin before applying Block and White Ultima. But who knows, I might need an affordable whitening lotion with SPF in it. If you stay in an air-conditioned room then this lotion is just okay. Always check on the expiration date printed!

Anyway, here are my before and after pictures:


Overall, I think it's effective. Would you give it a try?

Shameless Plug-in! :)
Check out my other blog where I show & sell my own beautifully handmade jewelries made from real crystals, because jewelry should be something special and fashionable. I also feature DIY and bead buying tips from time to time.


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