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REVIEW: Organic Body Bleach (OBB) by Celeste

9:04 PM

Everybody has dark skin areas. I myself hate the darker shade of my elbows, knees and recently, chemical burn scar on my leg. So I decided to buy OBB by Celeste.

400 gram mousse bleaching cream
Php 150 from online shops


The mousse product is housed in a plastic jar. The stickers act as a tamper-proof guarantee. The labels look like it  was printed of ordinary sticker paper and home printer. If you look closer, the signature of the creator of Organic Body Bleach (Ces Omanga) is written using gel pen. This indicates that the product is authentic. I'm happy that the packaging is clear so the contents can be seen easily. Also, the beauty product line of Ces Omanga is DTI registered.

I am glad that the ingredients are listed on the packaging. 


OBB by Celeste invites its users to take the "7 Day Challenge". I used this OBB once a day for 7 days, leaving it for 1 hour before washing it off. The cream dries, but it washes off very easily. It makes the skin squeaky clean so make sure to apply your favorite body oil (sunflower, emu, argan, rosehip etc), body butter (shea butter, cocoa butter) or whitening lotion. The owner recommends Kojie-San Whitening body lotion, but I didn't use it. After 7 days, I noticed that my elbows and knees aren't that dark anymore! At first I thought this product is ineffective so I didn't bother to take a "before" shot.

I did not experience welting, burning or any kind of skin irritation. I don't have sensitive skin.


-No shedding and bleaching of body hairs
-Ingredients are indicated

-Short shelf life
-Can be faked easily. Make sure to buy from the creator herself (Ces Omanga on Facebook) or from genuine distributors on Facebook.

OBB by Celeste is worth the try. It effectively lightens knees, elbows and scars. For Php 150, it works well. However, the short shelf life means that this product cannot be hoarded. I was planning to buy 5 jars so I can have a few month's supply. I ended up just buying 2 jars, with 1 month left before the expiration date. If your seller can meet you up, then good. But if you constantly have to have it shipped, then the shipping costs may be too pricey. 

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