
Salicylic Acid and Bacne

10:40 PM

For only Php 44, you can get a 120ml bottle of J.Chemie 5% Salicylic acid from South Star Drug. SAlicylic acid is available in Mercury drug too but of a different brand. I initially bought this for my back acne (bacne) but have discovered overtime few more benefits as well. So before splurging hundreds of pesos on sensationalized bacne sprays and toners, I suggest giving this humble salicylic acid a try.

1. Bacne. After showering, splash this all over your back and concentrate on areas with acne. It may sting, depending on how much acne you have. I've never been bothered with bacne again since.

2. Weird fungal growths. Who checks their back in the mirror? I don't but when I did, I noticed weird, painless, brown, flat irregularly shaped spots that has been spreading all over my back. I thought oh maybe a birth mark but then they were spreading & merging with each other & increasing in number so I panicked. I splashed 5% SAlicylic acid all over my back for at least 2 weeks & they were gone. :)

3. Itches. Sometimes I get minor itches on my body all of a sudden & splashing 5% Salicylic acid always takes away the itch.

DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this entry is my personal experience and I guarantee nothing. If you have a serious skin condition or allergies consult your doctor or dermatologist.

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