
Peter Paul VCO and what it did for my memory

9:50 PM

This is a short but sincere blog how my daily intake of Peter Paul VCO (made in the Philippines) helped me with my memory. Read on!

We all know that pollution takes a havoc on our health. I've been particularly exposed to a lot of air pollution because of commuting from time to time. Even though I cover my nose and mouth with a clean, white towel, some darn car belch still get through it. Overtime, I've noticed that I can't concentrate that much anymore. I study German and suddenly I'm appalled because I couldn't remember simple German words, let alone learn new words. Maybe I'm just tired so I just ignored those tendencies but I noticed that my mind was becoming foggy. I can hear and read but I totally couldn't comprehend anything. It's as if my mind became impenetrable. 

Here is a quick list of my problems:
-Memory loss. I fail to recall facts, events, words, etc.
-Mild depression.
-Foggy mind.
-Poor concentration.

I researched about home remedies on this and so far, I came by two: Virgin Coconut oil and ginkgo biloba (which I am yet to order online.) I stumbled upon discussions on Alzheimers and figured the home remedies might work on me, too.

I bought 250ml Peter Paul VCO from SM Savemore for Php 155 on Tuesday, March 04, 2014. I take 2 tablespoons every morning. It comes in a PET bottle. I'm writing this blog on March 08, 2014, 4 days after. Here is my observation:

-Finally I can comprehend what the professor is saying! I was also able to recite actively, connect facts and recall words. As a student, a bad memory is a no-no.

-Less "foggy-minded". It's been just 4 days and I have felt an improvement.

-Better concentration. I have tried Ginkgo biloba before and it helped me A LOT when it comes to concentration. I think it's better to take VCO and ginkgo biloba together.

-Better mood. Not that sad anymore. 

I WILL UPDATE this blog and include my experience with Ginkgo Biloba (Swanson).

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